Sunday, April 8, 2007

He is Risen!

I have used words like "Anderson Antics" and "Anderson Family Fun". . . because we do have fun when we are together and there are plenty of "antics". . . but . . . we share sad times as well. Last November, our grandniece, Lindsey Boehm passed away suddenly. She was 5 years old and even though she was born with a heart defect . . . she seemed to be doing well and it was expected that when she was older, her heart defect could be fixed with surgery. Her death took everyone by surprise. That same month, my brother Mike Greene was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer which had metastasized to his liver. He underwent some surgery, blood transfusions and chemotherapy in an attempt to reverse the cancer . . . but God chose to take him home on January 21st. Mike was at peace with God and he died surrounded by his family (including me and my other brother, Tim) as we were singing " Safe In The Arms of Jesus". He and Lindsey are together in Glory. Today is Easter Sunday and we are again reminded that Jesus Christ defeated death and our hope is in Him. We know that we too, will one day be with Christ and Mike and Lindsey. "He is risen . . . He is risen indeed!"

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